Sunday, 18 August 2019, 10.30am to 3.00pm
Following a successful Family History Day last year, CAFHOV are again hosting a Chinese Family History Day as part of August’s National Family History Month. CAFHOV will also be launching our latest book, Journeys into Chinese Australian Family History. Come and visit the Chinese Museum on Sunday 18 August to be inspired by our talks and network with fellow Chinese Australian family history enthusiasts. Register via TryBookings: Click on link to download Program below:
CAFHOV Family History Day Program – 18Aug19
By Irene Poon
I would love to attend CAFHOV Chinese Family History Day. My Maternal Great Grandfather was Thomas Ah Chow who was married to Agnes, nee Mason. They moved from Melbourne to Moormung/Hillside area near Bairnsdale, then moved to Mossiface near Bruthen. This is where my Grandmother and most of the family grew up and attended school. My Grand Mother, Ada Bella (who lived with us for 22years), was one of their daughters. I heard about this day through Jenee McCusker who is a cousin of mine. She is the Great Grandaughter of Elizabeth Dix, nee Ah Chow who was my Grandmother’s eldest sister.