Sunday, 18 August 2024
11am – 3.30pm
Chinese Museum
22 Cohen Place, Melbourne
MORE THAN GOLD – An event hosted by the Chinese Australian Family Historians of Victoria (CAFHOV), supported by the Museum of Chinese Australian History.
Most people are familiar with the Chinese migration to Victoria in the pursuit of gold in the 1850s, but also many Chinese businesses were established during this period in support of the growing population.
Come along to this event to learn about the diverse occupations and businesses that the Chinese maintained and the impact they had on the future of the community.
Chinese migration and work in Australia – Dr Sophie Couchman, Historian and Curator
Chinese restaurants of Melbourne – Dr Barbara Nichol, Historian
The history of the David Wang Emporium – Mark Wang, CEO Chinese Museum
CAFHOV member presentations:
Chinatown/Bendigo merchant – Anna Wolf
Chinese interpreter – Mark Hillyer
Chinatown Church minister – Derek Leong
Queen Victoria market stallholder/grocer – Linda Wong
Creswick Butcher and storekeeper – Ian Young
Cost: Normal Chinese Museum entry.
Payable on the day of event at the Museum venue.
Adult $12.50, Concession/Children 5 years and over $10.50
*Entry provides access to the event including all Museum exhibits/galleries.
Bookings via