Reading Suggestions

This is a bibliography of books relating to Chinese Australians. Please feel free to message us with any suggestions or corrections using the Contact form.

The list is sorted by author. You can click a heading to change the sorting of the list. For example, click Title to sort by title.

You can use the Search box as a filter. For example, if you want books written by (or edited by) Sophie Couchman, just type “Couchman” in the Search box.

Column S shows if the State Library of Victoria (SLV) has a physical copy of the book.

Column O shows if the book is available to read or download online. S = State Library of Victoria, N = National Library of Victoria, P = Publisher.

Column F means that the book is a work of fiction or an account that is partly fictionalised.

Last updated: Sunday, 15 September, 2024.

AnonymousChinese Footsteps: Historical Sites in Bendigo – Links with the Chinese CommunityGolden Dragon Museum2000BookY
AnonymousShowing Face: Chinese Identity in Regional Victoria from 1850s to FederationGolden Dragon Museum2000BookY
AnonymousChinese Memorials and Memories: The White Hills Cemetery – BendigoGolden Dragon Museum2001BookY
AnonymousThe Walk From RobeGolden Dragon Museum2001BookY
AnonymousChinese Snapshots: Newspaper Observations of the Chinese on the Central Victorian GoldfieldsFriends of the Mount Alexander Diggings2011BookY
AnonymousA Comprehensive Chinese Australian History 1818-2018: Tracking the footsteps of the dragon in AustraliaNew Century Publications2018BookY
Atherton, RobynThey Were More Than Just Gold Diggers: The Chinese of Murrumburrah and Surrounding Districts, 1860s-1960sHarden-Murrumburrah Historical Society2010BookY
Bagnall, Kate; Martinez, Julia (Ed)Locating Chinese Women: Historical Mobility between China and AustraliaHKU Press2021BookS
Bagnall, Kate; Prince, PeterSubjects and Aliens: Histories of Nationality, Law and Belonging in Australia and New ZealandAustralian National University2023BookYS
Beck, MaxwellDai Gum San: Bendigo’s Big Gold MountainBendigo Trust1974BookY
Boileau, JoannaChinese Market Gardening in Australia and New Zealand: Gardens of ProsperityPalgrave Macmillan2017BookS
Brooks, AlisChinese AustraliansEchidna Books2008BookY
Brooks, Tony; Doering, BrettDrinking the Black SmokeTony Brooks Productions2011BookY
Brumley, Linda; et alFading Links to China: Ballarat’s Chinese Gravestones and Associated Records, 1854-1955University of Melbourne History Department1992BookY
Butcher, MikeAn Angel by the Water: Essays in Honour of Dennis Reginald O’HoyHolland House Publishing2015BookY
Butler, RichardHill of GoldCCH Australia1981BookYF
Byrne, Denis; et alThe China-Australia Migration Corridor: History and HeritageMelbourne University Press2023BookY
Campbell, Persia CrawfordChinese Coolie Emigration to Countries Within the British EmpireP S King1923BookY
Cawthorne, EllenThe Long Journey: The Story of the Chinese Landings at Robe during the gold rush era, 1852-63E M Cawthorne, Robe1974BookY
Chan Ching-Howe (Ed)Chung Wah Association Centenary Commemorative PublicationChung Wah Association2010BookP
Chan, Henry; et al [Editor]The Overseas Chinese in Australasia: History, Settlement and InteractionsCentre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora2001BookY
Cheng, ChristopherNew Gold Mountain: The Diary of Shu CheongScholastic Press2005BookY
Chin, Mun; Chin, Ivy; Scott, CarolChinese in the Creswick Cemetery: Headstones and transcriptions, a cultural interpretationChinese Heritage Interest Network2009BookY
Chin, Mun; Chin, Ivy; Scott, CarolAn Index: A Chronology of Chinese Deaths in Creswick (1856-1958)Chinese Heritage Interest Network2022BookY
Choi Ching YanChinese Migration and Settlement in Australia with special reference to the Chinese in Melbourne (Thesis)Australian National University1971ThesisP
Choi Ching YanChinese Migration and Settlement in AustraliaSydney University Press1975BookY
Clyne, Jo; et alChinese ANZACsDepartment of Veterans’ Affair, Australia 2015BookP
Cole, KeithThe Anglican Mission to the Chinese in Bendigo and Central Victoria, 1854-1918Keith Cole Publications1994BookY
Cooper, LynneThe Mystery Medal: A Tale of Crime and Compassion, Castlemaine Goldfields 1889Lynne Cooper2024Book
Couchman, Sophie (Ed)Secrets, Silences and Sources: Five Chinese-Australian Family HistoriesCAFHOV2018BookY
Couchman, Sophie (Ed)Journeys into Chinese Australian Family HistoryCAFHOV2019BookY
Couchman, Sophie; Bagnall, KateChinese Australians: Politics, Engagement and ResistanceBrill2015BookYS
Cronin, KathrynColonial Casualties: Chinese in Early VictoriaMelbourne University Press1982BookY
Davies, L WillThe Forgotten: The Chinese Labour Corps and the Chinese ANZACs in the Great WarWilkinson Publishing2020BookY
Finch, ElyA Transcription and Translation of The Chinese Advertiser, and the English and Chinese AdvertiserEly Finch, Melbourne2015BookS
Fitzgerald, JohnBig White Lie: Chinese Australians in White AustraliaUniversity of NSW Press, Sydney2007BookYS
Fitzgerald, John; Yip Hong-min (Ed)Chinese Diaspora Charity and the Cantonese Pacific, 1850-1949Hong Kong University Press2020BookS
Fitzgerald, ShirleyRed Tape, Gold Scissors: The Story of Sydney’s ChineseHalstead + City of Sydney2008BookY
Flannigan, Alison ChoyChinese Whispers: In search of Ivy – A gold rush story told by generations of an Australian-Chinese familyBlack Quill Press, Sydney2018BookY
Florance, RobynThe Chinese in ShoalhavenShoalhaven Historical Society2004BookY
Foster, JimXiang and the New Gold MountainJ Foster, Mount Gambier2001BookYF
Fullwood, MargaretSpirit of China in Creswick (Xin Jin Shan: The New Gold Mountain)Creswick Museum2014BookY
Gibson, PeterMade in Chinatown: Chinese Australian Furniture Factories, 1880-1930Sydney University Press2022BookYS
Giese, Diana Beyond Chinatown: Changing Perspectives on the Top End Chinese ExperienceNational Library of Australia1995BookYN
Giese, DianaAstronauts, Lost Souls and Dragons: Voices of Today’s Chinese AustraliansUniversity of Queensland Press1997BookY
Giese, DianaCourage and Service: Chinese Australians and World War IICourage and Service Project1999BookY
Gittins, JeanThe Diggers from China: The Story of Chinese on the GoldfieldsQuartet Books1981BookY
Gock Yen, MavisSouth Flows the Pearl: Chinese Australian VoicesSydney University Press2022BookS
Grassby, Al; Hill, MarjiChinese AustraliansMacmillan Education Australia2000BookY
Grayson, PatrickChinese Down-Under: Chinese people in Australia, their history here, and their influence, then and now Heart Space Publications2018BookS
Groom, JocelynChinese Pioneers of the King ValleyCentre for Continuing Education, Wangaratta2001BookY
Hardy, GailBendigo Easter Fair, 1871-2009: The Celebration ContinuesBendigo Easter Fair Society2010BookY
Harfull, LizGuichen Bay and the Chinese LandingsDistrict Council of Robe2017BookY
Hirst, John [Editor]The Chinese on the Australian GoldfieldsLa Trobe University1991BookY
Holsworth, CarolChinese in Echuca-Moama: A Chronicle 1850s to 1930Echuca Historical Society2008BookY
Holsworth, CarolChinese Lepers in Victoria: A Case of Charity and Cultural ClashesFriends of the Bendigo Cemeteries2009BookY
Horsfall, DavidMarch to Big Gold MountainRed Rooster Press1985BookY
Horsfield, YvonneChinese RootsShawline Publishing2023BookYSF
Huck, ArthurThe Chinese in AustraliaLongmans1968BookY
Huck, ArthurThe Assimilation of the Chinese in AustraliaANU Press1970BookY
James, KenChinese Miners and Market Gardeners of Lyal and Myrtle Creek, Central VictoriaK James, Camberwell2005BookY
James, KenChinese Entries in Various Land and Mining Records held by the Public Records Office of VictoriaKen James, Camberwell2006BookY
Jones, PaulChinese-Australian Journeys: Records on Travel, Migration, and Settlement, 1860-1975National Archives of Australia2005BookY
Jones, Paul; McCormack, TerriChinese Australians: A Guide to Holdings in the Mitchell LibraryDepartment of Asian Studies, La Trobe University2000BookY
Jong Ah SiugA Difficult Case: An Autobiography of a Chinese Miner on the Central Victorian GoldfieldsJim Crow Press, Daylesford2000BookY
Kamp, AlannaIntersectional Lives: Chinese Australian Women in White AustraliaTaylor and Francis2022BookS
Kaufman, RobertThe Chinese on the Upper Ovens Goldfield, 1855-1920LRGM, Bright1997BookY
Kee Pookong, et alChinese in OceaniaAssociation for the Study of the Chinese and their Descendants2002BookY
Kennedy, AlastairChinese Anzacs: Australians of Chinese Descent in the Defence Forces 1885-1919Alastair Kennedy2012BookY
Kennedy, DavidCharles Washing and Racist FurnitureDavid Kennedy2021BookF
Kok Hu JinOld Chinese Section: Campbell’s Creek Cemetery, Castlemaine, VictoriaGolden Dragon Museum2002BookY
Kok Hu JinBendigo Cemetery Chinese Section – A StudyGolden Dragon Museum2003BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Cemeteries in Australia in New South Wales (Albury, Wagga Wagga, Braidwood, Tumut, Bolong, Jerilderie)Golden Dragon Museum2003BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Graves in Victoria (Echuca, Avoca, Rutherglen, Yackandandah, Eddington, Ararat, Vaughan, Pennyweight Flat)Golden Dragon Museum2003BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Graves in the Beechworth Cemetery, Beechworth, VictoriaGolden Dragon Museum2004BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Graves in the Rookwood Cemetery, Sydney, NSW: Chinese Section 1, 1868-1920Golden Dragon Museum2004BookY
Kok Hu JinWhite Hills Cemetery Chinese Section: A StudyGolden Dragon Museum2004BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Graves and Burners in Cemeteries in New South WalesGolden Dragon Museum2005BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Graves in Cemeteries in VictoriaGolden Dragon Museum2005BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Lodges in AustraliaGolden Dragon Museum2005BookY
Kok Hu JinHung Men Handbook: Commentary and AnnotationGolden Dragon Museum2005BookY
Kok Hu JinRookwood Cemetery, Sydney: Chinese Section III, 1917-1945Golden Dragon Museum2005BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Cemeteries in Australia: Weldborough, Moorina, Gladstone, Branxholm and LefroyGolden Dragon Museum2006BookY
Kok Hu JinChinese Temples in AustraliaGolden Dragon Museum2008BookY
Kuo Mei-FenMaking Chinese Australia: Urban Elites, Newspapers and the Formation of Chinese Australian IdentityMonash University Publishing2013BookYS
Kuo Mei-Fen; Brett, JudithUnlocking the History of the Australasian Kuo Min Tang, 1911-2013Australian Scholarly Publishing2013BookY
Liu, Liagni SallyChinese Transnational Migration in the Age of Global Modernity: The Case of OceaniaRoutledge2018BookS
Lo, JacquelineWriting Home: Chinese Australian PerspectivesCentre for the Study of the Chinese Southern Diaspora2000BookY
Loh, MoragSojourners and Settlers: Chinese in Victoria, 1848-1985China Advisory Committee1985BookY
Loh, MoragDinky-Di: The Contributions of Chinese Immigrants and Australians of Chinese Descent to Australia’s Defence Forces and WarAustralian Government Publishing Service1989BookY
Loh, Morag; Ramsay, ChristineSurvival and Celebration: An insight into the lives of Chinese immigrant women married to ChineseMorag Loh and Christine Ramsay1986BookY
Low, DorothyThe History of the Chinese Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, Victoria, 1860-1997D Low, Melbourne1997BookY
Macgregor, Paul [Editor]Histories of the Chinese in Australasia and the South PacificMuseum of Chinese Australian History1995BookY
Macklin, RobertDragon and Kangaroo: Australia and China’s Shared History from the Goldfields to the Present DayHatchette Australia2015BookYS
May, CathyTopsawyers: The Chinese in Cairns, 1870-1920James Cook University1984BookY
McGowan, BarryTracking the Dragon: Thematic History of the Chinese People in the Rutherglen/Wahgunyah region of Indigo Shire, VictoriaBarry McGowan2015BookY
McGowan, BarryTracking the Dragon: The History of the Chinese people in the Hay, Deniliquin and Hillston districts of New South WalesMuseum of the Riverina2016BookYN
McGowan, BarryTracking the Dragon: A Study of the Chinese in the Narrandera District of New South WalesMuseum of the Riverina2016BookYN
McGowan, BarryTracking the Dragon: A Study of the Chinese in the Wagga Wagga District of New South WalesMuseum of the Riverina2016BookYN
McGowan, BarryTracking the Dragon: The History of the Chinese in the Tumut and Adelong Districts of New South WalesMuseum of the Riverina2016BookYN
McGowan, BarryTracking the Dragon: The History of the Chinese in the Temora District of New South WalesMuseum of the Riverina2016BookYN
McKinnon, LeighA Biographical Dictionary of Historic Figures in Bendigo’s Chinese CommunityGolden Dragon Museum2015BookY
McKinnon, LeighPlaces Associated with Bendigo’s Historic Chinese CommunityGolden Dragon Museum2015BookY
McKinnon, LeighChinese ANZACs of the Loddon Mallee RegionGolden Dragon Museum2018Book
McKinnon, Leigh; Jack, AnitaA Biographical Dictionary of Historic Figures in Bendigo’s Chinese CommunityGolden Dragon Museum2015BookY
McLaren, Ian FThe Chinese in Victoria: Official Reports and DocumentsRed Rooster Press1985BookY
Moore, BarbaraEurasian Roots: A Story of the Life and Times of George Ah Kin and Mary Higgins and their DescendantsBarbara Moore1994BookY
Neal, StanSingapore, Chinese Migration and the Making of the British Empire, 1819-1867Boydell Press; Suffolk2019BookS
Ngai, MaeThe Chinese Question: The Gold Rushes and Global PoliticsW W Norton and Company2021BookY
Ngan, Lucille; Chan Kwok BunThe Chinese Face in Australia: Multi-Generational Ethnicity among Australian-born Chinese Springer2012BookS
Oldis, KenThe ChinawomanArcadia; North Melbourne2008BookYF
Owen, JuneMixed Matches: Interracial Marriage in AustraliaUNSW Press2002BookY
Pan, LynnSons of the Yellow Emperor: The Story of the Overseas ChineseSecker and Warburg, London1990BookY
Pearson, MichaelTracking the Dragon: A guide for finding and assessing Chinese Australian heritage placesAustralian Heritage Commission2002BookY
Ritchie, FionaGuichen Bay to Canton Lead: The Chinese Trek to GoldDistrict Council of Robe2004BookY
Robb, SandiCairns Chinatown: A Heritage StudyCairns and District Chinese Association2012BookY
Roberts, Ian DavidThe CelestialsArden2023BookYF
Rolls, EricFlowers and the Wide Sea: SojournersUniversity of Queensland Press1992BookY
Rolls, EricFlowers and the Wide Sea: CitizensUniversity of Queensland Press1996BookY
Ryan, JanAncestors: Chinese in Colonial AustraliaFremantle Arts Centre1995BookY
Ryan, JanChinese Women and the Global Village: An Australian SiteUniversity of Queensland Press2003BookY
Scott, JoanMiners to Market Gardeners: Chinese on the Castlemaine GoldfieldsGraffiti Publications2012BookY
Shen YuanfangDragon Seed in the Antipodes: Chinese-Australian AutobiographiesMelbourne University Press2001BookY
Skene, PatrickCelestial Footy: The Story of Chinese Heritage Aussie RulesHardie Grant Media2023BookY
Slocomb, MargaretAmong Australia’s Pioneers: Chinese Indentured Pastoral Workers on the Northern Frontier, 1848 to c1880Balboa Press2014Book
Smith, LindsayThe Chinese of Kiandra, New South WalesHeritage Office, NSW1997BookY
Sprengel, WilfRobe’s Chinese Invasion, 1857-1863Rolf Sprengel1985BookY
Stacker, Julie; Stewart, PeriChinese Immigrants and Chinese-Australians in NSWNational Archives of Australia2004BookYN
Talbot, DiannThe Buckland Valley RiotBright and District Historical Society2007BookY
Talbot, DiannWho Is She? The lives and trials of the women and children who shared their lives with Chinese menDiann Talbot2016BookY
Travers, RobertAustralian Mandarin: The Life and Times of Quong TartRosenburg Publishing2004BookY
Twycross, JamesFootprints in History: A Comprehensive History of the Life and Times of the Ah Shin FamilyJames Twycross2021BookY
Walker, David; Sobocinska, AgnieszkaAustralia’s Asia: From Yellow Peril to Asian CenturyUWA Publishing2012BookYS
Wang Zheng-TingChinese Music in Australia: Victoria, 1850s to mid 1990sAustralia Asia Foundation, Melbourne1997BookY
Wegars, PriscillaHidden Heritage: Historical Archaeology of the Overseas ChineseBaywood, Amityville. USA1993BookY
Welsh, LionelVermilion and Gold: Vignettes of Chinese Life in BallaratBanyan Press1985BookY
Willard, MyraHistory of the White Australia Policy to 1920 [2nd Edition]Melbourne University Press1967BookY
William, MichaelAustralian’s Dictation Test: The Test It Was A Crime To FailBrill2021BookS
Williams, MichaelChinese Settlement in NSW: A Thematic HistoryNSW Heritage Office1999BookS
Williams, MichaelReturning Home with Glory: Chinese Villagers around the Pacific, 1849-1949Hong Kong University Press2018BookS
Wilton, JanisGolden Threads: The Chinese in Regional New South Wales, 1850-1950Powerhouse Museum2004BookY
Wong Shee Ping; Finch, ElyThe Poison of Polygamy: A Social NovelSydney University Press2019BookY
Wong, Pamela LeeThe Mystery Aussie: Jan See ChinPLW Publishing2018BookY
Yarwood, Alexander TurnbullAsian Migration to Australia: The Background to Exclusion, 1896-1923Melbourne University Press1964BookY
Yen Ching-HwangCoolies and Mandarins: China’s Protection of Overseas Chinese during the Late Ch’ing Period (1851-1911)Singapore University Press1985BookY
Yong Ching FattThe New Gold Mountain: The Chinese in AustraliaRaphael Arts1977BookY
Yong, ArthurMoon Cakes and Meat Pies: The History, Art and Culture of Chinese Settlement in the City of WhittleseaNorth Eastern Melbourne Chinese Association1999BookY
Yong, ArthurChinese Settlement in WhittleseaWhittlesea Chinese Association2008BookY

Early Chinese Restaurants of Melbourne 1857-1970s

example of a menu
NAA A433 1950/2/8040

This database was created from information gathered by Barbara Nichol as part of research for the doctoral thesis on the history of Chinese restaurants in Melbourne. She extracted information about Chinese restaurants and eateries from Sands & Kenny/Sands & McDougall Directories for the years 1857-1970 and supplemented this with information obtained from other sources.

Chinese immigrants and their descendants brought their food and culture with them to Australia and shared that with the general public through the establishment of cookshops, cafes and restaurants.

AbbotsfordHoddle St145Mee Mee19481974Wah Ming Chun, prop. 5 partners invested £325 and £50, incl.Leslie Kwong
AbbotsfordVictoria St537Lee, Mrs G.19531955
AbbotsfordVictoria St537Wah Kew Café19561956
AbbotsfordVictoria St537Wing, Jane Café19571959
Albert ParkBridport St130New Asia19481954
Albert ParkBridport St130Sam Wah Café19561966
Albert ParkBridport St132Sam Wah Café19671974
ArmadaleHigh St1221Sun Sun Café19561962
Ascot ValeUnion Rd168Lew Tye19411943Law Tye? Possibly there longer
Ascot ValeUnion Rd177Hing Loong19701970
Ascot ValeUnion Rd177Wong, Sing19531969No.117 or 177? Acquired Feb. 1953, possibly there 1945-
AshburtonHigh St260Ping On19611970
AshburtonWarrigal Rd507Anglo Chinese19631970
BalaclavaCarlisle St227Han Gan Café19561970
BalaclavaCarlisle St326Foonie Restaurant19701970Chinese?
BalaclavaGlen Eira Rd35Ching Louey19651965
BalwynBulleen Rd141Wong, P. & Co.19701970
BalwynDoncaster Rd270Cathay Restaurant19691970Possibly there from 1968?
BalwynWhitehorse Rd224China Hall19641970
BalwynWhitehorse Rd461Chinese19641969461c Whitehorse Road
BeaumarisBalcombe Rd459Chung King Rest.19681970
BeaumarisSouth Concourse7Sing Tao19701970
BeaumarisWaiora Av.13Chung King19671967
BentleighCentre Rd317Oniokyuon19611966Assumed Chinese (Street listing, 1961 records name as ‘Onlokyuon’)
BentleighCentre Rd317Oriental19641964
BentleighCentre Rd317Sun Hing19671970
BentleighCentre Rd516Kwok Jay19701970
BentleighCentre Rd677Pagoda19641967Bentleigh East
BentleighNorth Rd556Chang, G.19611963
BentleighNorth Rd556Yum King Sun19641964
BentleighNorth Rd566Lee, Wong19651970Possibly 556 North Road
Bentleigh Centre Rd595Pagoda19591963Bentleigh East
Bentleigh Centre Rd676Fong, K.C.19651970Bentleigh East
Black RockBeach Rd202Sammy Lee’s Storklub19491953Restaurant, 202-3 – Lee, Samuel L. Jewish after Sydney restaurateur.
Black RockBeach Rd253Crescent Moon Café19521964 253-4 At address, S.J. Thomas and G.C. O’Brien – doubtful Chinese.
Black RockBluff Rd78Shang Tung19651970
BlackburnMaroondah Hwy155Dragon Palace19641970
Box HillCarrington Rd27Liye Yuon19601974
Box HillMaroondah Hwy984Yang Tse19621970
BrightonBay St271Chow Lee19541966
BrightonBay St271Soo, H.19531953Soo Hong?
BrightonBay St360Dri Sun19701970
BrightonBeach Rd0Sioan, Miss M.19041904Should be ‘Sloan’, Miss Mary, Not Chinese
BrightonBeach Rd0Young, Wm J. 19041904William Jas. Refreshment Rooms – Doubtful Chinese
BrightonChurch St13Kwan Wah19641970
BrunswickHolmes St104Bamboo Inn Café19541956Chinese? Also at address – Caffyn’s Service Station
BrunswickLygon St119Cheung Bing19591961Chow Lee joined Cafe & Caterers Assn. in April 1958
BrunswickLygon St138Hor Chew19581959
BrunswickLygon St138Sing Kee Café19571957Sing Koo ?
BrunswickLygon St317Yee Sing19601961
BrunswickSydney Rd147Kun, E., Café19561959Probably Chinese
BrunswickSydney Rd148Chung, Mrs. M.19361940Vacant 1934, Nicholson, M. 1935
BrunswickSydney Rd312Chan Shing19541974
BrunswickSydney Rd385Blue Moon19631963Chinese?
BrunswickSydney Rd556Kong Min19481950
BrunswickSydney Rd556Min Sang Café19511954
BrunswickSydney Rd556New Moon Café19551974Also at address – Sha Kwong
BrunswickSydney Rd698Kum Wah Café19561966
BrunswickSydney Rd722Mah’s Café19471951Chinese family name. Also at address, Slaven, Mrs Margt.
BrunswickSydney Rd810Quong Tung19361939
BrunswickSydney Rd876Sai Woo19471948
BurwoodBurwood Rd9Chung, S19651965
BurwoodBurwood Rd9The Lantern19691969
BurwoodBurwood Rd9Wong On19661968
BurwoodBurwood Rd277Ching Wah19701970Ching Wah Kok tearooms
BurwoodToorak Rd498Ming Yuen19621970
CamberwellBurke Rd913Louey’s Cafe19531974Hawthorn East side of Burke Rd. Business started as a milk bar in 1951
CamberwellBurke Rd927Kwong Chow19671970
CamberwellBurke Rd955China Prince Rest.19691970
CamberwellCookson St21Yen’s19551974
CamberwellRiversdale Rd27Fee, J.19561956Chinese? Many businesses at No.27
CamberwellToorak Rd0Golden Star19621966Chinese?
CamberwellToorak Rd239Law, J.19671970239b. Chinese?
CanterburyCanterbury Rd285Mei Doi19651968
CarltonElgin St155Sun On Café19481974
CarltonLygon St326Meeking, H19111911Chinese? Name possibly Scottish. 1910 C. Brown Fish shop
CarltonLygon St479Eastern19491949Harry Lee, prop.
CarltonNicholson St779Tsuiyoon Café19531967 Kai Soon Ho managing Wan Shing Café, 92 Chapel St, July 1952.
CarltonQueensberry St124Great Wall19481950Assume Chinese
CarltonRathdowne St651Chin, J.19531955
CarnegieGlenhuntly Rd1161Tai-Yuen19701970
CarnegieKoornang Rd160South China19631970
CaulfieldBalaclava Rd217Ching, K.T.19691970217a. Caulfield North
CaulfieldGlenhuntly Rd336Sun Kwong Café19571957
CaulfieldGlenhuntly Rd632Golden Crystal19651968Chinese?
CaulfieldGlenhuntly Rd803Sai Wah Café19671970
ChadstoneWarrigal Rd653Chinese Food Centre19691969
ChadstoneWaverley Rd750Hong Kong Café19691969
ChadstoneWaverley Rd750Kin Sing19701970
ChelseaNepean Hwy453Dragon Pearl19661967
ChelseaNepean Hwy453Kong Chew19681970
CheltenhamStation Rd0Sing Lee19591961Probably No.15. Station Rd
CheltenhamStation Rd15China Town Café19671969
CheltenhamStation Rd15Loong Fown19701970
CheltenhamStation Rd15Louey’s 19621966
CityBourke St12Peacock Chinese Rest.19681968
CityBourke St15Wing Hing19501961
CityBourke St16Kwong Tung19401974
CityBourke St36Fown Wong19591974
CityBourke St54Café Orient 19021902Unlikely Chinese. Also at address – Woodlock, Mrs M.J.
CityBourke St54Wing Sun Café19521969Lau family restaurant, 1952 -. Also Norman Lew Moon ?
CityBourke St93David Way18701872Unlikely Chinese
CityBourke St146Hing, L.Y./Canton Tower19251949Louey You Hing purch. for £1,000. Opened Thurs. 5 June 1924.
CityBourke St147Golden Age Café19371950147-149 Bourke Street. (1936, Eley, Charles T., cafe) – Chinese?
CityBourke St147Lum, S19241926See also No.218 Bourke St – Nanking, S. Lum 1918-1922 – connection?
CityBourke St199Golden Age Café19341936Chinese?
CityBourke St218Nanking, S. Lum19181922From 1923 – 1927 listed as Lucas’ Café (218-220 Bourke St).
CityCauseway3Green Lantern19461946not Chinese (Howard)
CityCelestial Ave15Ming Hing Restaurant1905191315-17 Celestial Ave. 1907. 3 dwellings owned ? Kong Meng in Ave.
CityCelestial Ave15Supper Inn1974Precursor to Supper Inn was the ‘Hole in the Wall’ (one room and kitchen)
CityCelestial Ave23Ah Wah1895190423a Celestial Avenue
CityCollins St256Golden Lantern19391942Chinese? Tea and luncheon rooms. The Midway in 1939
CityDudley St52Wong Wah Yock19611970
CityElizabeth St64Cathay19461949
CityElizabeth St97Hing Louey19181923
CityElizabeth St114Moon, A.C.18901890Basement of 114, A.C. Moon, Central Restaurant. Unlikely Chinese
CityElizabeth St324Golden Horseshoe Rest.19661966Chinese?
CityElizabeth St487Woon, Alex19091917Alexander Woon, listed under Ah Woon 1914
CityExhibition St112Lee, H. & Co.18881888Lee, H.& Co., restaurant. Next to Ah Chung, restaurant. Probably Chinese
CityExhibition St128Golden Phoenix Rest’nt19641970Large up market restaurant, Wm WingYoung, prop.
CityExhibition St128Sam, Charles, Restn’t19011902Probably Chinese
CityExhibition St167Decca Cafe19521953 There 1947. Nancye Jan’s uncle? March 1953, cafe purch. by Mrs J.Kleem.
CityExhibition St167Wing Loong19581974June, 1957, partners, C.H.C. Lew, H Lew, Mei L. Lew & Ng Yip
CityExhibition St174Savoy Café19251927174-178, Nellie Lim Kee, prop. (Assigned estate, 1927) Also Canton Café.
CityExhibition St174Shanghai Café,Young,W19231924174-178 – Chinese. Connection with William Wing Quay?
CityExhibition St179Gum Lee & Co.19191919
CityExhibition St180Sun Tock Lee19201927
CityExhibition St183Lee, Sun & Co.191819191924-27 Peter Noon, Fruiterer. “Chinese cafe” from 1928? Not listed S&McD
CityExhibition St183Chinese Cafe/Nam Wah19351953Ah Lipp/Chin family/N. Lew Boar and Chung, Yueng. ca. 43-45/Leong C.N. 45-48
CityExhibition St183Shen Toy195419541954 – Mirka Mora’s first cafe
CityExhibition St191Hing Lee19021902See also 202 Stephen Street, No.191 Ah Hong. Geo 1894-
CityExhibition St191Hing, C.19041904
CityExhibition St191Lee, Mark Ken19031903 Also listed under Mark Ken Lee
CityExhibition St202Charlie Tung18991900
CityExhibition St202Gee Lee19091910
CityExhibition St202Hap Lee19011901
CityExhibition St202Him Yick18951895See previous listings, 202 Stephen Street, 1889-1894
CityExhibition St202Lee Pow18961898
CityExhibition St202Tock Lee19111919
CityExhibition St202Ying, Chong & Co.19021908From 1906, at 200-202 Exhibition St? Also0 listed as Ying Cheong
CityExhibition St233Maori Pah19511966N.Z. Rest. c.1949-c.1950. Reg Jan, 1951
CityExhibition St235See Jan19421946Cookshop for other restaurants over WWII
CityExhibition St278Oriental Café19701970
CityFlinders Lane110Sun Café19251928Chinese?
CityFlinders Lane240Ginger Jar193919461936, 1 Flinders Way Arc. 1939 Mrs J. Maher then Reg Jan
CityFlinders Lane289Carlow Café19411950Reg Jan
CityFlinders St266Golden V Café19421960264-268, Empire Arcade basement. Chinese?
CityFlinders St358Foo, Miss M.19301930Chinese?
CityFlinders St376Green Bamboo19641964Chinese?
CityFlinders St440Lee, F.H.18981899Railway Viaduct Family Hotel/Restaurant, possible Chinese?
CityFranklin St14China Bar19651970Chinese?
CityFranklin St245Wing Lee19591961243-245 Manufacturers of chicken rolls
CityHeffernan Lane0Ling Sing18891890In 1890 ‘old chinese cookshop removed’ (Health Dept. files)
CityHeffernan Lane11Chung Wah Café19161973Wrongly listed at no.24 in 1914, Tea & Luncheon Rooms 1916-1919
CityHeffernan Lane11Quon Che On 18991915Listed off 199 Lonsdale St to 1909. Tea & Luncheon Rooms, 1915.
CityHeffernan Lane11Wing Ching18911898Listed in Little Bourke St, 1892 & 1893. Ah Gee prop.
CityKing St33Lew, P.19691970Chinese?
CityKing St102Show & Tam19021902102-104 Show & Tam, Diningroom Proprietors – Chinese?
CityKing St102Young, Percy19031903102-104 Young, Percy, restaurant – Chinese?
CityKing St104How, William S. 18931893Federal Dining Rooms – Chinese?
CityKing St163Golden Key19371940Chinese?
CityKing St163Lew, P., Café196019681963-64 Lam’s? – Chinese?
CityKing St218Lee, F.19141916Lee, Frank, Diningrooms – Chinese?
CityKing St321Lee, Francis, H.19171917Chinese?
CityKing St East102How, W.S.18901890102-104? How, William S. restaurant – Chinese?
CityLeichardt StCookshop1910191017 cabinet makers plus one cookshop, possibly there longer
CityLonsdale St23Tick and Quong Co191419151915 recorded as Yick Orsong & Co. Tea & Luncheon Rooms?
CityLonsdale St99Lee, Miss G.19361936Chinese?
CityLonsdale St116Gow, Stephen19231923Restaurant – Chinese?
CityLonsdale St141China D’or19601964
CityLonsdale St191Toy San Café19511958Or Toy Sang. Does not appear to serve Chinese food
CityLonsdale St199Ah Pow, W.193219321931 C. Drougas Dining Rooms
CityLonsdale St201Dooey Din19411941Royal Melbourne Hospital opposite at 172-254 Lonsdale St.
CityLonsdale St201Shanghai 19491952Possibly Lee Quang Way (William Wing Quay?)
CityLonsdale St210Kong Nam19531966 Not recorded 1959. Opp Queen Vic. Meml. Hospital (172-254)
CityLonsdale St213Omonia Café19581961 Greek?
CityLonsdale St213Omouoia19481958 Also Omonia Lonsdale St – Greek?
CityLonsdale St233King Wah19681970Andrew Lew says there in 1962?
CityLt. Bourke St0Goon Toy18921894Street No? Probably Chinese Club House
CityLt. Bourke St76Hie Yick188618881887 tea merchant. Streets renumbered, see 209 Lt. Bourke St. 1889
CityLt. Bourke St76Voy Hing 18851885Street renumbered, see 209 Lt. Bourke St
CityLt. Bourke St82Cheong, Kay18631863Street renumbered(also merchants and importers, On Cheong at no,84.
CityLt. Bourke St94Kong Meng & Co.18881888
CityLt. Bourke St100Gee Lee19071909Also recorded at 202 Exhibition St, 1909-10
CityLt. Bourke St100Mong Hong19061906
CityLt. Bourke St100Sam Hop19011901
CityLt. Bourke St100War Chong19021902
CityLt. Bourke St102Shanghai19201920102-106, Shanghai Cafe & general store, Business name Le Wing
CityLt. Bourke St105Kwong Yet Lee19021912No entry 1910
CityLt. Bourke St105Loi Eng Café 19691970
CityLt. Bourke St105Munon19661968In 1967 No. 109 Chinese Nationalist Party
CityLt. Bourke St107Wong Hang Seng & Co.19101913 Wing Hang Shing & Co. 1912 Grocers/Quong Hang Shing 1913
CityLt. Bourke St112Oriental Gourmet Club19661970
CityLt. Bourke St116Hoong Lee19081920
CityLt. Bourke St118Sun Dew Sing19081920
CityLt. Bourke St120Shing Chong191019101907 Sun Hop Sing?
CityLt. Bourke St120Sun Kee Hong19081909Ah Hing prop in 1909
CityLt. Bourke St120Tuck Lee19111913
CityLt. Bourke St122Hi Loong18921892
CityLt. Bourke St128Yet Wak Cafe19131913Not listed S&McD, Inspected 1913 as Chinese cookshop
CityLt. Bourke St172Chinese Café19431943
CityLt. Bourke St172Chun Yun19671970Neil Louey suggests 1964? His uncle rebuilt in 1925
CityLt. Bourke St172Mee Wah19621966Lew Puck Ninc 1961?
CityLt. Bourke St180Dooey Din19301941Not listed 1933. Listed in 1941 at 201 Lonsdale St
CityLt. Bourke St180Sung Hing19271928Possibly a cookshop therefrom 1921
CityLt. Bourke St189Wang, D.19651970
CityLt. Bourke St195Wing Lee19271933Nos.193-195 Little Bourke Street?
CityLt. Bourke St195Wing On19071926
CityLt. Bourke St195Yee On Teung190619061903-05 Wing On Fancy Gds. 1907- Wing On
CityLt. Bourke St200Goon Loy Cookshop18931893Possibly earlier. Sam Yap Society
CityLt. Bourke St200Yin Bun Low 19211922Ues as storage for restaurant, which moved to 189 Russell St in 1920
CityLt. Bourke St201Yin Bun Low& Co189919061907 temporarily relocated to 112-114 Little Bourke Street
CityLt. Bourke St202Hang Heong Lowe18951907202 Sam Yap Society
CityLt. Bourke St202Yin Bun Low Cookshop190819191908-1912 Yin Bun Low, 1913-1919 Oriental- Yin Bun Low & Co.
CityLt. Bourke St202Ah Sing19571957Sun Yee Lee? Possibly there longer
CityLt. Bourke St204King Hong Low19351940
CityLt. Bourke St204Lingnan19411968 Fang Yock, 1940s to 1950s, Also Chiney Poon, George & David Lam
CityLt. Bourke St204Mee Heong Guey19071935204-6. 1913 listed under under H.Hoy Ling. 1910 Sun, Chong On, Importer.
CityLt. Bourke St204H.Hoy Ling19131913204-6 Recorded as two businesses 1913, Hoy Ling & Hang Heong Guey
CityLt. Bourke St209Hie Yick18891890Tea merchant and cookshop, No. 209 prev. 76 Lt. Bourke Street 1886-1888.
CityLt. Bourke St209Sun Hong Wah18911891Prev. 76 Lt. Bourke Street 1886-1888.
CityLt. Bourke St212Hong Kong19131941210-212. Ah Him states 1911? L. Hing (Louey Y. Hing?) Lew Boar – 1925-1941
CityLt. Bourke St212Kun Ming19421974Mar ’54 Miss Mary Bow (closed Feb’56, Dick Low reopened Feb.59)
CityLt. Bourke St214Foon Kee Cookshop18991919Also store, ca. 1916 to early 1980s
CityLt. Bourke St214Tai Woo Cookshop18931898Also Foon Kee 1894?
CityLt. Bourke St220Harry Wah19371937Recorded as cookshop prop in 1937, not listed S&McD.
CityLt. Bourke St233Sun Wah Loong & Co.19091912Cookshop. 1913 – grocer. Site devel. forced to move to no.242, then no.244.
CityLt. Bourke StGolden OrchidGeorge Chan? Check if post 1970
CityLt. Collins St272Golden Dragon19471956Family says there from 1945. Moved to Northcote ca.1957
CityLt. Flinders St277Oriental Café19061907277-279 Oriental Chmbrs. Café, Gillenders, Archd. P. Unlikely Chinese
CityLt. Flinders St354Lee, Mrs Mary18961896Chinese?
CityLt. Lonsdale St42Dock, Wee & Pritchard19121914Chinese?
CityLt. Lonsdale St53Ah Mee19071908Next to Lye Kee Cabinet maker. (Vacant 1909)
CityLt. Lonsdale St53Mee Lee19101918Mee Lee Cookshop. Connection with no.67.
CityLt. Lonsdale St67Hin Lee19091914Inspection records Mee Lee at this address in 1913
CityLt. Lonsdale St72Goon Hing Lee & Co.19201940
CityLt. Lonsdale St72Sun Yick Lee19181919Hin Lee Cookshop. 59-61, 63 & 75a Cabinet Makers.
CityLt. Lonsdale St100Sing Hing19121919
CityLt. Lonsdale St102Hing Ghoon Louey19171919Recorded under Ah Gooey 1919?
CityLt. Lonsdale St102Lew Hing19151915
CityLt. Lonsdale St109Ah Quong T19031903
CityLt. Lonsdale St111Good Lee19131913Not Listed. Inspected 1913. Cabinet maker War Chong,? 1914
CityPeel St55Ah Koong19411943Ah Kong. Ah Hoong? West’n side – 4-38 Queen Vic. W’sale Fruit Market
CityPeel St55Woong Mow194419461943 also recorded as Great Eastern
CityQueen St162Mar, Miss A.19321933Tearooms – Scottish/Chinese?
CityQueen St162Mar, S.19191926Restaurant – Chinese/Scottish?
CityQueen St200Blue Moon19371938 Chinese? 1939, Blue Moon at 86 Swan St. Richmond?
CityQueen St420Yot Lee19011901
CityQueen St444Ah Chooey19141914Also Ah Wah and Loon (Soon?) Kee
CityQueen St444Ah Loy19051907In 1907 recorded as ‘various names’
CityQueen St444Yot Lee19081913
CityQueen St454Wong Young19161927Tea & Luncheon Rooms
CityRussell St109Empress Restaurant19561956Not Chinese.
CityRussell St163Anglo-Chinese19461946163-165. New World Café in 1947, then Café Singapore
CityRussell St163Café Singapore19481960#163-165 Russell St. A. Young.
CityRussell St166Eastern19231947Chin Tong Coon partner in 1920s. Harry Lee there, Dec.1933.
CityRussell St166Oriental19641964Also 189 Russell St?
CityRussell St166Wong Shing Kee19651970
CityRussell St168Moon, W.19631968Chinese?
CityRussell St175Chun Woo18981900Listed 1898 as Chin Woo
CityRussell St175Lew Shing190419041902-1903, Dye, Cham, restaurant. Lew Shing died c.1904.
CityRussell St175Sam, C.18961897 Charles Sam, brother Jun (Jim) Sam, cab. maker, continuous to 1906?
CityRussell St175Sam, C.19051906
CityRussell St179Hong Kong19421954Lew Boar family 1942 ca. 1945. Chin Mon Dai prop. 1953-54
CityRussell St182Weng Sheng19481961#182-184. See Age 19.2.1949 re. sailors
CityRussell St185Hoo Wah19541955Kwong Khing continued by Hon Wei and other former partners
CityRussell St185Kwong Khing19451953Established with wartime arrivals, reopened Oct. 1952 as Hoo Wah
CityRussell St189Oriental (Yin Bun Low)19201970#187-189.’Chinese’ 1911?
CityRussell St191Pekin Café19101928 191-193. Shefton & Heyshing 1911-1914, Lew, Hey D. 1915-1919.
CityRussell St213Sintin,E. & J.19611961Chinese?
CityRussell St244Nan King19241926
CityRussell St284Young, Mrs E.19141914Young, Mrs Esther, supper rooms. Unlikely Chinese
CitySt Kilda Rd376Sheung Hee19691970
CityStephen St201Ah Hong, George18941901For successive listings see 201 Exhibition St. (Street name changed 1898).
CityStephen St202Hong, George18891890For successive listings see 201 Exhibition St. (Street name changed 1898).
CityStephen St202Lee Hee18941894
CityStephen St202Louey, M.L.18921893
CityStephen St202Loy, George18911891
CityStephen St206Wah Hap18901891
CityStephen St206Wah Sue18891889
CityStephen St 191Ah Hong, George18941901Stephen St changed to Exhibition St 5 Dec, 1898
CitySwanston St109Empress Restaurant19471959109-117 Capitol Hs. Cabaret/Restaurant. To 1946 was ‘Dugout’. – Chinese?
CitySwanston St158Canton Café19101937Lim Kee Chas, Tack, L.L. Hotel and Café Canton
CitySwanston St158Lucas’s Canton Café 19381943 Lucas Bros? Chinese? Not clear i9f Chinese food still offered.
CitySwanston St244Shanghai Café19321946 1932 J. Hampton, Wing Quay 1932-46, 1947,Ragno Café
CitySwanston St255Chew Hang19181920“Canton Tearooms” & upstairs dining room (Ad. Argus 26.9.1918,p.14)
CitySwanston St271Num Fong19691970
CitySwanston St301Asia19651969
CitySwanston St349Hong Kong Snack Bar19661967
CitySwanston St369Chung Chaap Kang18981899
CitySwanston St431Suey, Charles19021903Check street listing
CityTherry St19Tuck Lee19201920
CityYarra Bank52Lee, F.H.19051909Chinese? (Viaduct Building)
ClaytonClayton Rd354China Town Café19621970
CoburgGaffney St107Liu, F.P.19511951
CoburgSydney Rd82Man Yuen19581967
CoburgSydney Rd82Wing Kong19531957
CoburgSydney Rd332Hong Chong Café19561961
CoburgSydney Rd363New Silver Dragon19541960363-365 New Silver Dragon Café – Assume Chinese
CoburgSydney Rd442Hoi Gee19581974
CollingwoodJohnston St115Golden Star19701970Chinese?
CollingwoodJohnston St153Changsha19401943No. 158? Exact dates uncertain. Dim sim house over war years
CollingwoodJohnston St156Chung San19421947Lum, George Lui ca. 1940-1943?
CollingwoodJohnston St156Gum Sang19481969Henry Chun, proprietor?
CollingwoodSmith St374Chen Yuen19611964
CollingwoodVictoria St238Shoon Lee19411941Check
CroydonMain St30Jeung, H19651970Chinese family name
CroydonMt Dandenong Rd0Lee, D.19661968Chinese?
DandenongThomas St167Tai Pah19641968
DandenongThomas St197Foon Hoy19691970
DandenongThomas St249Jasmine19691969Chinese?
DoncasterJackson Ct78Kee Fong Restaurant19691970
DoncasterShaw St60Yim Wah19691970
East Melb.Albert St366Bim’s19651970Chinese?
East Melb.Wellington Pde10Chop Stick19641970
East Melb.Wellington Pde78New Sunion Café19561967Dates? After Cape Sunion Greece. Also Sunion, 168 Queen St.
ElsternwickGlenhuntly Rd404Wong’s19611970
ElsternwickGlenhuntly Rd449Golden Star19691970Chinese?
ElsternwickGordon St1Kum San19691970
ElsternwickGordon St1Lim’s Café19521968
ElwoodOrmond Espl.0Blue Lagoon19661970Chinese?
ElwoodOrmond Rd124Doina Restaurant19661966Possibly Romanian
EssendonLeake St8Jan Cheong Café19671970
EssendonLincoln Rd151Yellow Dragon19691970
FitzroyBrunswick St185Dow-Moon19571959Chinese?
FitzroyBrunswick St185Fong Man (Man Fong)19351956Man Fong, 1937-. Vacant,1934, Ah Wong 1940-43?.
FitzroyBrunswick St185Wing Chong19601974
FitzroyBrunswick St191Mum’s19411948Mum’s Café. Also at 191, Collins, Mrs. E.C. – Unlikely Chinese
FitzroyBrunswick St376Wong On19651965
FitzroyGertrude St29Say Joong19351952Joong Say – 1937- . Vacant 1934 and 1940
FitzroySmith St71York Hung19361936Vacant 1934, Minator fruiterer, 1935
FitzroySmith St115Kum Ling19371967Partner & manager Lee Tay (1942-3?)
FitzroySmith St115Lee, D.19671967Probably Chinese
FitzroySmith St127Nan King19361948Vacant 1934-35
FitzroySmith St127Pekin19481955Or 1949-1954?
FitzroySmith St247Sun Sang19491949
FitzroySmith St353Cheung Lee19641966
FitzroySmith St353Kwong Chew19351948Vacant 1934
FitzroySmith St353Lee Jum Café19491951Or Lee Jun
FitzroySmith St353Sun and Star19551963Chinese?
FitzroySmith St357Man Ting Café19521954
FitzroySt George’s Rd391Yu Lu Soong19691970
FlemingtonRacecourse Rd327Myee19371970Name aboriginal? In name of Mrs I.K. Graham & Frederick W.Graham
FootscrayBarkly St180Jay Bee19491956Assume initials of proprietor – unlikely Chinese
FootscrayBarkly St224Wong, J19611964
FootscrayBarkly St224Yin Hee19521960
FootscrayBarkly St249Hoy Heng19691970
FootscrayBarkly St250Hin Yen19361936Vacant 1935
FootscrayBarkly St259Wong, J19651970
FootscrayBarkly St275Bamboo19581958Bamboo Café. Also at address – Poon, Thos.
FootscrayBarkly St275Poon’s19591974
FootscrayHopkins St151Bow Kwong19581974Bow Kwong Café, 594 High St Kew East
FootscrayNapier St38Marathon Chinese Foods19661970
FootscrayNapier St38New Cathay19531954
FootscrayNapier St38Poon’s Bridge19621964
FootscrayNapier St38Yen Hee19591961
Forest HillGlebe St0Tien Quio19661970
FrankstonPlayne St8Cheung, Bing, Cafe19611970October 1959, Cheung Bing Cafe, 119 Lygon St, Carlton?
FrankstonWells St9Jin Hoy Café 19621970
Glen WaverleyKingsway101Rock Kung19681970
GlenroyFinchley Ave.1Hon Kang Café196719701b Finchley Ave.
GlenroyWheatsheaf Rd141Chan, S19641970
Greensbr’gh0Nam Wah19641966Address not known
HamptonHampton St48Blue Star Café19581959Chinese? Also at address – Russo, Felix
HamptonHampton St48Wing Kwong19601961
HamptonHampton St265Wing Kwong19621970
HamptonHampton St424Wah Yuon19631970
HawthornBurwood Rd388Rice Bowl Café19551974May ’55, Chung Ah Hai
HawthornBurwood Rd437Lee, Jas.19141914Lee, James, Pie Shop – Unlikely Chinese
HawthornCamberwell Rd204Golden Star19631963Chinese?
HawthornCamberwell Rd204Sun Chong19641964
HawthornGlenferrie Arcade2Leng Hong19601960
HawthornGlenferrie Rd154Green Dragon Café19521959
HawthornGlenferrie Rd213Marr, Mrs C.19301931213 Goldberg, J. Mus. Shop. 213a. Mrs C. Marr – Chinese?
HawthornGlenferrie Rd263Yin Sun19551959
HawthornGlenferrie Rd618Yin Sun19601974
HawthornGlenferrie Rd648Golden Flute19691970Chinese?
HawthornGlenferrie Rd700Lai Wah19631970
HawthornGlenferrie Rd703Green Dragon Café19601970Chinese?
HawthornRiversdale Rd465Wing, L.19591974
HeidelbergBell St16Gum Yuen Café 19701970Indistinct entry – Heidelberg West
HeidelbergBell St83Hong, H.S.19661967Heidelberg West
HeidelbergBell St145Gum Yuen Café19681969
HeidelbergLwr Plenty Rd110Sun Hwa19691970
HeidelbergThe Mall0Heid. China19701970
HighettHighett Rd350Chim’s Chinese19661969
HighettHighett Rd350Ing, N.G.19701970Chinese?
Ivanhoe23 Ivanhoe Pde23Bamboo19611965Chinese?
IvanhoeLowr Heidelberg Rd269Golden Lantern19651970
IvanhoeStudley Rd0Lee, Mrs F.19111911Tea & Luncheon Rooms – Chinese?
IvanhoeUpr Heidelberg Rd142Cheung Shing19581970
KewCotham Rd87Hoy Yuen19681970
KewHigh St309Hing Wah19601967
KewHigh St309Hoy Ping Café19551959
KewHigh St309Poon, J.19531954
KewHigh St309Tam Kee19681970
KewHigh St681Kum’s19641970Chinese?
MalvernDandenong Rd0Young, Charles18921893Refreshment Rooms – Chinese?
MalvernDerby Rd10Sampan19661970Malvern East
MalvernGlenferrie Rd71Wing Luen Café19531974A.H. Toy, Mgr. March 1960 owner Phillip Lau?
MalvernGlenferrie Rd115Wing Hing19631970
MalvernGlenferrie Rd141Fong Yuon19571974
MalvernGlenferrie Rd205Lowe, Mrs R.J.19161916Unlikely Chinese
MalvernGlenferrie Rd209Dragon Inn19701970
MalvernGlenferrie Rd209Sun Sun Café19621969
MalvernMalvern Rd1367Buogong19571960Chinese? 1961 Hairdresser
MalvernMalvern Rd1367Sai Woo Café19551955
MalvernStation St9Nanking19571962
MentoneMentone Par.95Sun Sing19611970
MitchamBritannia St20Young, C.19601960Chinese?
MitchamMaroondah Hwy538Young, C.F.19611963Chinese?
Moonee PdsMaribyrnong Rd286Sheung Hee19671970
Moonee PdsMt Alexander Rd595Chung On Café19531974Doon family, Dick Doon joined C&CA March, 1959
Moonee PdsMt Alexander Rd702Leung, J.19641970
Moonee PdsMt Alexander Rd738Me Li Wah196219701959/60 Clagnan?
Moonee PdsPuckle St41Bamboo19651965Chinese?
MoorabbinNepean Hwy806Ling Yuen19681970
MoorabbinNepean Hwy993Kee Kong19621970
MordiallocMain St604Fai Lock Chin19611962
MordiallocMain St604Sun Wah19631970634?
Mt WaverleyBlackburn Rd240Kai Ming19661970
Mt WaverleyStephensons Rd276Gwok Hing19681970
Noble ParkBuckley St36Hong Kong19641965
Noble ParkIan St7Wing’s Fish19581959
North Melb.Errol St98Tsing Shun19701970
North Melb.O’Connell St5Ah Quong19131913
North Melb.O’Connell St5Wong Gee19061912Produce merchant 1905.
North Melb.Queensberry St153Wong, P.19531962
North Melb.Victoria St252Mee Sun Café19561961
North Melb.Victoria St262Yon Loy19591960
North Melb.Victoria St358Teng Yan19691969
NorthcoteHigh St239Lew, A.F., Café19521959Probably Chinese
NorthcoteHigh St239Wing On19601974
NorthcoteHigh St240Golden Dragon19571966See note city, Golden Dragon.
NorthcoteHigh St338Charles Go..?19401943Approximate dates only
NorthcoteHigh St338Bun Fong19571974Bon Fong 1973
NorthcoteHigh St338Chan, T.B.19481956
NorthcoteHigh St599Rock Sing19621970
NorthcoteSimpson St51Chen, G.19701970
NunawadingSpringvale Rd138Shing Wah19701970
OakleighStation St3Nan Ping Café196819703a Station St
OakleighStation St5Tien Wing19641967
OakleighStation St18Sun Yeon19601974
OakleighWarrigal Rd196Namyuen19681970
Pascoe ValeGaffney St450Yeng Kee19651970
Pascoe ValeWaterloo Rd200Sun Loong19681970
PrahranChapel St34Lee, Mrs J.19211922Tea & Luncheon Rooms – Chinese?
PrahranChapel St54Oriental19131925Unlikely Chinese, various props Salvado, Ramon, Casas, Soffanos
PrahranChapel St92Chung King Cafe 194019471947/48 partners: Chan For?, Henry Chun, Loo Yen, Lok Fat
PrahranChapel St92Wan Shing Cafe19521961Kai Soon Ho, Manager, 1952?
PrahranChapel St198Double Dragon Café19551960
PrahranChapel St198Ging Wah19611970
PrahranChapel St214Empress Milk Bar19521952214 Empress Milk Bar. Also at 214 Tefik, R. – Chinese?
PrahranGreville St203Ng, Young195719651961- 193-209 Kia Ora Industries
PrahranHigh St241Chun, Mrs L.19521953
PrahranMalvern Rd328Yet Hoy19461948
PrahranMalvern Rd572Poa Chuen19491953Manager, Liu Poa Chuen, Arrived Aust. 1944
PrahranMalvern Rd572Shantung19541958
PrahranPunt Rd14Taiping19391974Opened June, 1939. W. Tack ‘old member of Cafe & Caterers Assn
PrahranYork St127Young, A. Sen.18991901Young, Alex Snr, Refreshments – Chinese?
PrestonHigh St276Ah Toy19571959Prahran 1958?
PrestonHigh St276Wing Wah19601974Prev. Bridge Rd Richmond?
PrestonHigh St366Kok On19621970Or 166? March 1960, Pank? Kwan (former owners Brink & Neugroeschl
PrestonHigh St673Tin Sing19651970
Pt MelbourneBay St153Doong Sing19601974
ReservoirBroadway212Kim Wee19631970
RichmondBridge Rd110Hay, William L.18941903Hay, Wm L. Refreshment Rooms – Chinese? (not listed 1900-1902)
RichmondBridge Rd277Wing Wah19581974
RichmondBridge Rd328Far East Café19431959328 also Key, Jas. T. Chinese?
RichmondBridge Rd478Lee, J.J.19651970Chinese?
RichmondSwan St42Hoi Quan19591961
RichmondSwan St86Blue Moon19401943Also at address Nicolas Giasemi, unlikely Chinese
RichmondSwan St193Lee – Heving195419641959 recorded as Lee-Herng, 193 Swan St. – Possible Chinese
RichmondSwan St193Mun Yuen19651970
RichmondSwan St327Sun Kwong Café19551956 1957 listed at 336 Glenhuntly Rd Caulfield – same?
RichmondVictoria St116Sun Kong19611970
Ringwood00Lee, D.19681968Chinese?
RingwoodCanterbury Rd131Sha Tin19701970
RingwoodMaroondah Hwy86Canton19691970
RingwoodMaroondah Hwy233Bing’s19631965Chinese?
SandringhamBeach Rd0Lowe, Chas.19191919Tea & Luncheon Rooms. Corner Potter St. – Unlikely Chinese?
SandringhamStation St89Ko Sing19621970Ko Sing Teahouse, 124 Queens Rd Central Hong Kong??
South Melb.Clarendon St376Num Tong19681968
South Melb.Clarendon St376Seiyoon19551967Chinese?
South Melb.York St174Chinese Cookshop19081936Cookshop not listed in Trade & Prof. section. Closed ca. 1936?
South YarraAnderson St0Young, Mrs A.P. 19531957Chinese?
South YarraChapel St407Gok Young19461947
South YarraChapel St407Goldie-Lee Café19481948
South YarraToorak Rd266Kowloon19621970
South YarraToorak Rd266Near East19611961Chinese?
South YarraToorak Rd313Mandarin19651970
SpringvaleSpringvale Rd267Chinese & Australian19631970
SpringvaleWindsor Ave4Wong, G.19661970
St KildaAcland St89Fairystork19701970
St KildaAcland St89Lee Gow193619361937? Millard, Pastry 1935
St KildaAcland St92Mee Ging Restaurant1954197492b Acland St
St KildaAcland St92Peiping1948196992c Acland St. Check 1948 or 1949, Neil Louey claims opened 1948
St KildaAcland St92Yin Chuan19701970
St KildaAcland St150Tientsin Café19371957 Tax return gives commencement date 1934
St KildaAcland St175Tientsin Restaurant19571974Moved mid/late 1957.
St KildaBarkly St5Chong Shan195319661956 – Henry J. Sun.
St KildaCarlisle St11Chung Yuen19461964
St KildaFitzroy St9Hong Kong19401941Opened in St Kilda 25 July, 1940
St KildaFitzroy St17Hong’s19661970
St KildaFitzroy St17Kong Duke19631965
St KildaFitzroy St81Lee’s19701970Chinese? – (81a)
St KildaFitzroy St221Mamma Mah’s19641970Chinese?
St KildaHigh St40Maas Restaurant19561964Chinese?
St KildaHigh St40Ma’s19501950Indistinct entry – Chinese?
St KildaHigh St40Ms …… R19521953Indistinct entry – Chinese?
St KildaHigh St251Gold Star Restaurant19601960 251a High St. Check 1961 – 251-255 Dormus Furniture -Chinese?
St KildaHigh St284Hucks, Mrs L.18971900English? 1909-1911 T & LR Hucks.
St KildaHigh St284Hucks, Mrs L.19091911Tea & Luncheon Rooms – Hucks, Mrs Lavinia – Unlikely Chinese. Recheck
St KildaHigh St324Mang Lee18941895
St KildaHigh St327Leong Sing18961896
St KildaHigh St329Ah Bow19031903Jack Bow, Grocer 1905?
St KildaHigh St361Lee Mou18991899
St KildaHigh St408Ah Hing, Mrs J.18921892Listed as Farmers, Ah Hing, Mrs. J.
SunshineDurham Rd158Chen, B.H.19671970
SunshineHampshire Rd184Blue Moon Café19431948Also at address Miss P.Thorpe – unlikely Chinese?
SunshineSun Cres4Yat Sing19651970
ThornburyHigh St695Gin Gee19581971
ThornburyHigh St695Ginger Jar Café19561957Probably Chinese
ThornburyHigh St695Kin Ping Café19521955
ThornburyHigh St764Louey’s Cafe19601971
West Melb.Spencer St364Lum, Mrs M.19281928Tea & Luncheon Rooms. Chinese?
WilliamstownNelson Place217Hickling, H & J, Cafe19541954 Chinese? Hick Ling?
WilliamstownNelson Place 199Goonan, K. 19481948Possible Irish
WilliamstownNelson Place Nth197Tai Hoong Café19641970Chan family. Est. by October 1951. Still operating in late 20th century.
WilliamstownNelson Place Nth199Tai Hoong Café19521963Opened 1951. Williamstown Chronicle 5.19.51, p.1

Source: Sands & Kenny/Sands & McDougall Directories : Trade & Professional Listings- 1857-1970, supplemented with author’s research.
*First: Earliest year of operation identified
*Last: Last year of operation identified. Note: Data extracted from directory to 1970 only.

Directories Searched:

Sands & Kenny Melbourne Directories 1857-1861 (Melbourne: Library Council of Victoria, 1985).
Sands & McDougall’s Commercial and General Melbourne Directory (Melbourne: Sands & McDougall, 1862).
Sands & McDougall’s Melbourne and Suburban Directory (ibid: 1863-1901).
Sands & McDougall’s Melbourne, Suburban and Country Directory (ibid: 1902-1911).
Sands & McDougall’s Directory of Victoria (ibid: 1912-1939).
Sands & McDougall’s Directory of Victoria and Canberra ACT (ibid: 1940-1947).
Sands and McDougall’s Directory of Victoria (ibid: 1948-1974).


The database should always be regarded as a work in progress and a conservative reading of the number of Chinese restaurants in Melbourne over the early decades, for a number of accuracy reasons.

This database is part of PhD thesis – The breath of the wok : Melbourne’s early Chinese restaurants : community, culture and entrepreneurialism in the city, late nineteenth century to 1950s. Barbara Nichol. 2012. University of Melbourne


This thesis presents an exploration of Melbourne’s Chinese restaurants and their relationship with the city from the late 1900s to the early 1950s. Apart from acknowledgement and commentary in historical recipe books by Chinese Australians, these businesses are dismissed in a line or two whenever new culinary and general histories appear. Recorded as socially isolated and frequented by prostitutes, gamblers, drunks and other unrepresentative social groups, they are recorded as ‘uncomfortable’ places for respectable non-Chinese Melburnians to patronise. Despite almost continuous growth from the late nineteenth century, they do not gain currency until the 1950s when they come to the fore as part of the postwar socio-cultural and economic success story.

In order to address negative understandings and marginalisation of the early Chinese restaurant sector, three broad questions underpin chapters: Why has European involvement in the early restaurant sector been privileged while Chinese restaurants have failed to gain similar recognition? How did the Chinese restaurant sector continue to expand in a political climate of Chinese exclusion and decline, and what do these local businesses and their supporters have to tell us that changes the way the early Chinese community has been recorded and challenges the construction of the city’s and the nation’s history? This research required wide ranging and detailed investigation at the local, state and national levels, including the gathering of oral histories of early Chinese restaurateurs, their families and customers, interrogating city directories, government archives, and contemporary press commentary.

The first chapter establishes the foundation for the thesis by reconstructing the development and spread of early Chinese restaurants throughout greater Melbourne and introducing their complex character. Chapters two and three focus on Chinese restaurant management of matters relating to public health, drawing comparison with the non-Chinese restaurant sector, and in responding to, and managing, shifting discriminatory non-European immigration policies as they affected business development and succession plans. Chapters four and five identify customer groups over the pre-war, wartime and early post-war years, questioning negative understandings of the influence of the early Chinese restaurant sector as a site of cross-cultural engagement. Chapter Six concludes the thesis by examining restaurant food and menus in order to challenge persistent claims of `bastardised’ or inauthentic Chinese food served to the city’s marginalised groups.

The thesis shows a substantial, complex and influential Chinese restaurant sector which presents a more inclusive way of thinking about the city’s early cross-cultural engagement and the origins of post-war socio-cultural and economic change. It also adds complexity to the way the early Chinese presence has been recorded in the city’s and the nation’s histories and highlights the importance of in-depth research at the local level in dismantling generalised negative stereotyping of groups.

Barbara Nichol

Read journal article (NAA Memento. No. 34)
Sweet and sour history: Melbourne’s early Chinese restaurants by Barbara Nichol