CAFHOV was pleased to be able to meet again with Teresa Moy, our Western Australian member, and her uncle Norman while they were in Melbourne in November 2008. They visited Melbourne on their way to Tasmania to attend the opening of five cottages at Branxholme, near Launceston, “Tin Dragon Trail Cottages” ( that commemorate the presence of Chinese tin miners in the area in the latter part of the nineteenth century. One of the cottages has been named after Teresa and Norman’s ancestor Ah Moy who arrived in Tasmania in 1879. The family eventually settled in Geraldton, Western Australia.
Norman Moy (second from left) with CAFHOV members left to right: Jim Twycross, Barbara Nichol, Sophie Couchman and Julia Lau. Photograph courtesy Teresa Moy, taken at CAFHOV meeting on 6 December 2008.